2013年5月12日 星期日

Google 的母親節禮物

Google 在官方 blog 上發布一了一篇 Here's to the moms : Celebrate Mother's Day with Google Google 一起慶祝母親節的文章,製作了相關的網頁還有母親節 Doodle 給大家動手玩。


的配樂,I Just Want to Thank You by Tim Myers 在母親節這天聽真的是相當的應景!


24 of your hours in a day
Every second I spent counting way
You make everything I do seen better
You make sunny days from storming weather

A little bit awful
A little bit alright
A little bit yah-yah

I just want to thank you

I just want to thank you
For the love that you name
For the good that you give
For all the things you do
I just want to thank you

同場加映:Brand New Day (Tim Myers 的歌聽起來滿勵志的)



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